Download Pokemon Ranger Retain Loops

Game Info
Name: Pokemon Ranger Retain Loops
Remade by: fex34
Based on: Pokemon Ranger
Source link – credit:
If you read the title, so you can know which features in this game. You can now do 2 sets of 5 loops to capture a pokemon now. It has other changes made to balance the game. It’s completed in English. And now, Let’s play!
This hack makes the capture system closer to the sequels by allowing you to retain the loops you’ve done when the capture line breaks. So for example instead of 10 consecutive loops you can now do 2 sets of 5 loops to capture a Pokemon. There are also other changes made to balance the game around this change.
Increased the number of loops required to capture Pokemon
Stun that occurs when you let go of the capture line has been removed
Flee button is now available outside of stun (since that no longer exists)
There are no bonus loops. Pokemon are automatically captured as soon as their loop count has been reached
Pokemon start blinking when they’re 2 loops away from being captured rather than 3
The game’s texts and tutorials have not been changed to reflect these changes.

You have to wait 5 seconds.