Download Doraemon Story of Seasons Game

Game Info
The beloved Doraemon franchise from Japan comes to Steam in Story of Seasons, a unique agricultural simulation series that lasts more than 20 years. The stage is Natura, and the mystical Big Tree is the center of this land. Doraemon and his friends will take a role to help in the city!
The theme of this experience is to create links with the city’s residents and, in doing so, enjoy the touching interactions through each character and their role in the story. But building a farm and raising horses and cattle like in other Story of Seasons games is not the only thing that can be done. Explore the city of Natura, embark on adventures, catch insects, and much more! Fans of the Doraemon series will also be happy to know that Doraemon devices can be used to help you in your new daily life!
Enjoy the nostalgia of Doraemon and Story of Seasons while helping Noby live her agricultural life in this unique and adorable land!

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