Pokemon Amaryllis

Download Pokemon Amaryllis

Game Info

You are a child from Wistfall Village, a small town located in the south-west of Ohkai. Professor Basswood, an botanist and Pokémon enthuasiast. One morning, a red-headed girl moves into Wistfall Village. On this day, Basswood gives you and this girl a rare Pokémon as a partner. He then tasks you both with investigating the mysterious appearances of the Amaryllis.

At the same time, a group named Team Epoch has been formed. Team Epoch are researching the minds and biology of Pokémon and how to control them. The Pokémon Rangers of the region do not like this, and set out to foil Team Epoch’s activities. Unfortunately, you and the red-headed girl become entangled in the battle to stop Team Epoch…

A completely new region, the Ohkai region!

A planned 50+ Pokémon to catch and train!

Many new custom moves!

Lots of moves and abilities from Gen IV-VI have been added!

The type chart matches Gen VI!

Physical-special split from Gen IV was added!

Some changed pallettes to freshen the experience!



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