Download Pokemon Aureolin
March 27, 2022 By Poke Zone
Game Info
Name: Pokemon Aureolin
Created by: Charizardthree
A wide variety of Pokemon from each generation even some from sword and shield (400+ Pokédex)
Double battles as the main form of battles rather than the normal single battle style in most games
Mega Evolution
New evolution methods for Pokemon who once needed trade evolutions
Over-World Wild Pokemon Encounters
8 Gyms + Extra “Stadiums” for challenging battles
Opponents with mythical and legendary Pokemon
Brand new moves
New Level-Up move pools
Brand new items in battle which set up effects like weather and terrain
Existing Regional Variants + New Chromian Variants
Branched Ending
Optional Level Scaling
Mid Battle Dialogue
New: G-Max/Mega Evolution Hybrid forms (G-max which now works like a mega form instead)
New: Gym Leader Rematches
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📁 Android, Completed, English, PC, RPGXP
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