Download Pokemon Crystalline Pearl
February 21, 2022 By Poke Zone
Name:Pokemon Crystalline Pearl
Ver.: v1.2
Autor: Garnet
Rom Base: Diamond
Status: Complete
Trainers have all similar strength, but new pokemon
– Trainers are around 15% harder, level wise (as a scope, Cynthia’s ace is now 75)
– League trainers (Gym Leaders, E4 and Cynthia) all have six pokemon which all hold items, some league battles will be double battles.
– League trainers will have their original types, Cynthia will be your death
– League trainers may also have illegal moves
– League trainers retain their original typings, but gym trainers do not, to make it more interesting
– Bulbasaur, Cyndaquil and Mudkip are the available starter pokemon
– All of the field items in Sinnoh have been shuffled around
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📁 NDS, Completed, English, Pokemon Diamond
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