Download Pokemon Dauntless Black v2

Game Info
Name: Pokemon Dauntless Black
Remade by: Vastus
Based on: Pokemon Black
Source link – credit:
It’s the same as Pokemon Black, Vanilla hack ROM with scaling difficulty, level curve, less RNG, and more… It’s v1 in English with full documentation. And now, Let’s play bro!
Gen 5 is easily one of my favorite generations of the games. I also like difficulty hacks to spice things up a bit, but I’ve never quite jived with the Drayano-style hacks where all the pokemon are so different from what I used to. So I decided to make a hack that I would like to see, and hopefully some of you will enjoy it as well.
Opposing trainers have teams built around certain themes or strategies, rather than just 6 strong pokemon. Rivals and Gym Leaders use full teams, and all trainers use the champion level AI so they will act logically.

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