Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Gates to Infinity

Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Gates to Infinity

October 20, 2021 By Poke Zone
Name: Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Gates to Infinity
Developer(s): GameFreak
Platform(s): Nintendo 3DS
Pokémon Paradise
Main article: Pokémon Paradise
.Initially established by the partner Pokémon, this location progresses as the story does.
New mechanics
This game implements full 3D gameplay and depth perception via the 3DS’s 3D capabilities. It also takes advantage of the 3DS’s AR functions. By recognizing different round objects, it transforms them into a Magnagate, leaving an infinite labyrinth of dungeons to be explored.
Many Unova Pokémon such as Gurdurr, Virizion, and Hydreigon are included in the game, though some, such as Throh and Sawk, are oddly left out. Only a handful of Pokémon from previous generations appear in the game. A total of 144 Pokémon appear in the game. Despite this, a maximum of 288 Pokémon can be recruited.
📁 3Ds, Cia, English, Gamefreak
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