Download Pokemon Mystery Dungeon Psychic Puppets

Game Info
Name: Pokemon Mystery Dungeon Psychic Puppets
Remade by: Adex#7623
Based on: Pokemon Mystery Dungeon Explorer of Sky
You’re playing as Mewtwo in the deepest part of Western Cave. Try to brainwash any pokemon and explore the game. It’s completed in English. And now, Let’s play!
Estimated Playtime: 60 – 90 Minutes
== v1.2 ==
– Minor debug menu adjustments that re-allow for the Brainwash skip and Playground Mode unlocking under certain conditions, along with hardcoded stats fixes.
– Lowered the enemies of all Illusory Grotto variants by 1 level each.
– Added two small game modes that are unlocked through completing all 99F of Western Cave (through both encounters):
* Pressure Mode is a difficulty mode! When toggled, every time a party member deals damage, that move will be sealed for the rest of the floor. This cannot be healed with Heal Seeds, but moves may restore this. Also, every party member’s attacking stats are raised by 10, while their defensive stats are decreased by 10. Finally, party members’ neutral attack will deal recoil equal to the damage dealt.
* Playground Mode is a species selection! When accessed, you can freely change a party member’s species. Please see species.txt for a complete list of available species. Also, note that 600 + Species_ID will be the secondary gender. While changing species, your IQ, Level, and Move Boosts will remain intact.
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