Pokemon Sun Gold

Pokemon Sun Gold

November 20, 2021 By Poke Zone
Pokemon Sun Gold
Remake From:
Pokemon Heart Gold
.The main point of all changes is to bring out the potential every Pokemon from rarely-used to over-used so that players can use their favorite Pokemon in tough battles. That also means, not only weaker Pokemon are made better (with reasonable stat boost, new moveset,…) the commonly-seen ones are given new abilities, moves or even type to create a fresher experience. Some notable type change include:
• Fairy-type Pokemon: Beside 20 Fairy pokemon in gen VI official game, there are additionally 13 suitable Pokemon receiving Fairy as their secondary type (e.g., Meganium, Mareep line, Milotic, Misdreavus, etc.).
• New Dragon-type Pokemon: Charizard, Onix, Steelix, Sceptile and Huntail.
• Other than that, some Pokemon have their type modified to match their appearance better (e.g., Gyarados – Water/Dragon, Seviper – Poison/Dark, etc.) and/or, hopefully, more competitively viable (e.g., Ledian – Bug/Fighting, Quilava & Typhlosion – Fire/Ground, Butterfree – Bug/Psychic, etc.).
Starters are now more competent with new abilities, moves and type changes such as Venusaur with Thick Fat, Blastoise with Drizzle, Feraligatr with Shed Skin, Sceptile with Adaptability, or the Water/Ice-type Empoleon with Snow Warning. However, to maintain the balance in game evolution level are raise to 25 for 2nd stage and 46 for final stage Pokemon, whose Lv-up rates are also changed to slow. I think it’s great to spend more time in game with the 1st and 2nd stage Pokemon.

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