Download Pokemon Supernova Sun decrypted

Game Info
Supernova Sun and Penumbra Moon’s secondary focus is inspired by Super Smash Bros. Melee’s “20XX Hack Pack” which is designed to improve competitive players’ ability to practice and grind. In Supernova Sun and Penumbra Moon’s Legit Build, everything obtainable is 100% legal and legitimate for real online battles or trades. In all Builds, some features are designed to make preparing competitive teams much less of a hassle. Competitive hold items are much more available, a 6IV Ditto is available through an in-game trade (holding a Destiny Knot), Eggs hatch in one cycle, and Level 100 Memento Blissey battles are available in the Battle Buffet once the main story has been beaten.
All non-Legendary Pokémon are able to SOS call in the wild. Baby Pokémon and Pokémon with predatory SOS calls (Corsola, Carbink, Durant, etc.) have a higher SOS call rate than most species. The “normal” SOS call rate has been increased thanks to an anti-annoyance feature in Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon: Only one SOS call per fight will succeed unless the player uses an Adrenaline Orb.

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