Download Pokemon VGC Platinum
Game Info
This was mainly add novelty but also to make certain Pokemon more viable that otherwise wouldn’t be. For example, Exploud is a Fighting/Normal dual type and has access to STAB Aura Sphere, while also having Scrappy as its ability.
All fishing rod encounters have been changed to only use the old rod for simplicity.
Rare candies are available for CHEAP so no grinding! This game is focused on battling. If you want to play with level caps on each gym, I’ve also included all of the gym leaders’ Pokemon.
This game also features a doubles battle with Cynthia on Route 208 before Hearthome city. When I was playtesting it, it was REALLY difficult, so be prepared.
One of the most fun fights that I added was the 12v12 fight on spear pillar with you and your rival against Mars and Jupiter. It feels like the showdown it was meant to be.