Download Pokemon Volt White 2 Redux
Game Info
Select moves from later generations have been implemented, replacing old and broadly unused moves. This includes (and is not limited too) Power-Up Punch taking the place of Comet Punch, Dual Wingbeat the place of Vice Grip and Lunge the place of Barrage. Furthermore, several Legends: Arceus moves and move changes have been included!
Several brand new story additions and character encounters. For example, instead of heading to Pokéstar Studios, you’ll now remind Brycen of the joy of Pokémon battles!
All legendary encounters have been revamped and extended. You’ll travel to a new Faraway Island to catch Mew, meet Morty hunting down Suicune or travel to the Entralink to catch Celebi.i.
The Postgame has been expanded, now including ~2-3 hours of additional content in a questline surrounding Unity Tower, a returning fan favourite character and the very fate of the universe. This will serve as the way to catch Dialga, Palkia, Giratina and Arceus in Redux.