Download Pokemon Waxing Moon
Game Info
All Pokemon (with the exception of some legendaries at the moment) are obtainable throughout the four islands.
Weaker Pokemon with lower Base Stat Totals have had their stats buffed to become “viable” throughout the game.
The following Pokemon have received type changes/modifications: Farfetch’d, Volbeat, Illusime, Noctowl, Golduck, Shinx Line, Pidove Line.
Many Pokemon have had their movesets either slightly changed, or revamped.
A majority of the Pokemon have their less impactful abilities swapped out for their Hidden ones. If a Pokemon’s Hidden Ability was something quite useless, like Minus or Plus for example, they retained their original abilities.
Some Pokemon have new abilities they didn’t previously have, such as Queenly Majesty on Vespiqueen and Nidoqueen.
Of course, the game is much more difficult and comes with a revamped level curve.