Rust Mobile

Download Rust Mobile

Game Info

Rust Mobile is a Facepunch Studios multi-player survival video game. In early access in December 2013, Rust was first released and in February 2018 it was released early on. Microsoft Windows, macOS, and Linux are available for Rust.

PlayStation 4 and Xbox One console versions have been released in 2020. Rust was originally developed as a DayZ clone, a common mod with Minecraft-like elements for ARMA 2. Rust’s goal is to live with captured or looted materials in the forest. Players have to control their appetite, thirst, and fitness or risk of death effectively.

While the threat of bears and wolves, other players are mainly challenged because the game is just multiplayer. Firearms and primitive firearms, including bows, are the means of combat. Furthermore, cars driven by non-player characters often go round to attack heavily-armed players.




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