Pokemon Y

Pokemon Y

October 12, 2021 By Poke Zone
Name: Pokemon X
Developer(s): GameFreak
Platform(s): Nintendo 3DS
.New type: One new type has been introduced, the Fairy type. This type was added to balance the Dragon-type, which was previously only weak to itself and Ice. While it is known that Fairy-type attacks are strong against the Dragon-type, it is unknown what other types it is strong or weak against. It is also unknown what types of Fairy-type Pokémon resist.
Gyms: X and Y will feature Gyms like every other main series title. A Gym seen in the Nintendo Direct trailer features the female protagonist standing on a floating platform that transforms into a room. The first Gym Leader is Viola, who specializes in the Bug-type.
New Pokémon: Currently, 26 new Pokémon are confirmed for X and Y. The total number of new Pokémon that will be released is unknown at this point. The first Pokémon to be revealed were Chespin, Fennekin, Froakie, Xerneas, and Yveltal on January 8, 2013. Nintendo 3ds download

📁 3DS, Citra, English, Gamefreak, Pokemon y
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