Download Pokemon Conquest Hard Plus
July 28, 2022 By Poke Zone
Game Info
Name: Pokemon Fire Gold
Remade by: Baconfry
Based on: Pokemon Conquest
riolu and spiritomb appear in all episodes where pugilis/spectra/yaksha can be upgraded
lapras and all swarm pokemon appear in 2heroes
eevee appears in all episodes where player can be recruited
beldum and monkeys appear in uniteRansei and defeatNobunaga episodes
gible and anorith appear in recruit40warriors and collect100pokemon episodes
croagunk appears in juniorWarlord, uniteRansei, and ninja episodes
drifloon appears in juniorWarlord, beautyContest, and ninja episodes
emolga appears in juniorWarlord and beautyContest episodes
sneasel appears in recruit40warriors, collect100pokemon, and ninja episodes
audino appears in juniorWarlord and notWorthFightingOver episodes
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Completed, English, NDS
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