
Download PockeTown

May 20, 2022 By Poke Zone

Game Info
Package Namecom.rodana.mc.be
Op. SystemAndroid & iOS
DateJun 7th, 2017
Pocketown is an unofficial video game that’s openly inspired by the Pokemon saga, especially, at the aesthetic level, the Sun and Moon editions. Your main aim here is the same as in its console counterparts: to become the best trainer by capturing new creatures and fighting against other characters.
The bulk of the combats is exactly the same as in the original games. You can do different attacks with each of your Pokemon characters and use any of the five waiting in reserve in order to find the type of skill that could benefit you most in each battle. Plus when you face wild Pokemon you can capture them with a Pokeball. Keep in mind that you have to decrease their life just enough without destroying them.

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English, Online, Android, iOS
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